Conférenciers qui ont confirmé leurs présences

Conférencier 1 : Aris M. OUKSEL

Aris M. Ouksel is currently professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and director of CISORS (Cooperative Information Systems and Organization Research and Services) Lab. He received his M.Sc. in 1981 and the PhD degrees in computer science from Northwestern University in 1985. After four years abroad, teaching and consulting in information technology and strategic planning and technology transfer, he joined the College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago, as a professor of information systems and information economics. He was for several years the Director of the Management Information Systems PhD program and the Director and Founder of the Center for Management of Information Technology and Telecommunications in the same college. Dr. Ouksel also holds an appointment at the Computer Science department. Dr Ouksel's research interests and contributions are in: (i) information economics ; (ii) organizational learning and performance; (iii) semantic interoperability and its application to forensics, to security, and virtual inter-organizational information systems ; (iv) mobile computing and wireless sensor networks ; (iv) peer-to-peer data management : self-emergent and self-organizing data structures ; (v) CyberSecurity. He has been keynote speaker at several major international conferences on these topics. He holds US patents on sensor and mobile computing, and an innovation award from the US Department of Transportation for his work on ad-hoc Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks. He was also for several years an associate editor at the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Databases (1999-2008) and the Knowledge Information Systems (2000-2005). He has been associate editor of the Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) (2004-2010). Aris has been the recipient of numerous multi-million dollar grants from US federal, state, local agencies, and private enterprises on above topics.

Conférencier 2 : Hassan AMMOR

Hassan Ammor Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Mohammadia School of engineering (EMI) and member of the Laboratory of Electronics and Communication (EMI) in Rabat. He received his Ph.D. in microwave techniques from the University of Nancy in France in 1988. Ph.D in applied Sciences from Mohammadia school of engineering in 1996 in Electronics and Telecommunications. Head of Team STRC (Radiocommunications Systems and Communication Technology) and member of RUSTE (University Networks Science and Space Technology). Expert in the African Regional Center of Science and Space Technique of the United Nations in Rabat. The author of eight scientific inventions. He has been awarded valuable prizes in research and innovation. He has organized several international conferences in microwave and telecommunication. Also he has been a member in many scientific committees at international level. His current research themes antennas systems design for mobile communications, medical applications and dielectric characterization of materials using microwave techniques. He published more than sixty articles on international journals and conferences.

Conférencière 3 : Aawatif HAYAR

Dr. Aawatif HAYAR received, with honors, as the First Moroccan, the degree of “Agrégation Génie Electrique” from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in 1992. She received the “Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies” in Signal processing Image and Communications and the degree of Engineer in Telecommunications Systems and Networks from ENSEEIHT de Toulouse in 1997. She received with honors the Ph.D. degree in Signal Processing and Telecommunications from Institut National Polytechnique in Toulouse in 2001. She was research and teaching associate at EURECOM’s Mobile Communication Department from 2001 to 2010 in Sophia Antipolis-France. Aawatif Hayar has an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche) from University Sud Toulon Var from France on Cognitive Wideband Wireless Systems on 2010 and an HDR on Green Téléommunication from University Hassan II Casablanca on 2013. She created in 2010 with the support of University Hassan II Casablanca the Research Centre GreenTIC. She is currently with this R&D Organization (Morocco) as General Secretary and expert in cognitive green ICT field and Smart Cities. She has also joined in 2011 the engineering school ENSEM at the University Hassan II Casablanca in Morocco where she is in charge of wireless communication cursus and leading a young researchers team for the development of an integrated wireless/wired networks based supervision platform for smart grids. Aawatif Hayar is also member of Casablanca “Avant-garde” City think-tank. She is co-initiator since 2013 of e-madina initiative which aims at developing and promoting new Sustainable Social Smart city model for Morocco. Her research interests includes fields such as cognitive green communications systems, UWB systems, smart grids, smart cities, ICT for social eco-friendly smart socio-economic development. Aawatif Hayar was a Guest Editor of Elsevier Phycom Journal Special issue on Cognitive Radio Algorithms and System Design in 2009 and General Co-chair of Crowncom2010 (France) dedicated to cognitive radio systems and IW2GN2011 (First Green IT Day in Morocco with MNC Cluster) dedicated to wireless green systems. She was co-organizer of GDR-ISIS Cognitive Radio workshop in France in 2011. She is also IEEE DLT Chair for EMEA region since 2014. Aawatif Hayar was also General co-chair of ICT 2013 Conference (Morocco), Awards Chair for ICUWB2014 conference and Technical Program Committee co-chair for Next-Gwin Workshop in 2014 (France) where she gave the first talk on Sustainable Social Smart City Concept for emerging countries. She is also expert at the European Commission level for cognitive and UWB systems. Aawatif Hayar received with one of her PhD students the "best student paper" award at CogArt2010 and has a patent in cognitive radio field on “Process for sensing vacant bands over the spectrum bandwidth and apparatus for performing the same based on sub space and distributions analysis”. She was also selected by the prestigious African Innovation Foundation as one of the top ten innovative African women in 2015. Aawatif Hayar is currently leading or involved in a couple of R&D projects with CNRST, Lydec, GIZ and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Foundation on Social Smart grids and Low Cost Smart Home Living Labs. Aawatif HAYAR was also environment activist with the association “Il était une fois la terre” in France dedicated to eco-citizenship education and sensitization from 2004 till 2009. Pr. Aawatif Hayar is currently leading the Casablanca IEEE Core Smart city project.

Conférencier 4 : Rachid BENSLIMANE

Rachid Benslimane est docteur de l’Université de Montpellier en 1985. Il est Professeur à l’Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès (USMBA) où il a obtenu son doctorat d’Etat en 1992. Entre 2004 et 2009, il était vice-Président chargé de la recherche et de la coopération à l’USMBA. Il est membre fondateur du Laboratoire de Transmission et de Traitement de l’Information (L.T.T.I.) qu’il a dirigé entre 1993 et 2011. Il est responsable depuis 2009 du groupe de recherche traitement de l’information multimédia et patrimoine culturel. Depuis 2005, il est coordonnateur du pôle de compétences patrimoine culturel, réseau national pluridisciplinaire de recherche sur le patrimoine culturel. Ses travaux de recherche portent principalement sur les TIC appliquées au patrimoine culturel. Les applications développées concernent, notamment, les ornements géométriques maroco-andalous, la transcription semi-automatique des manuscrits arabes numérisés, la calligraphie marocaine, et la numérisation et la modélisation 3D. Par ailleurs, Rachid Benslimane a assuré la coordination scientifique de plusieurs études et projets de recherche et de formation, menés dans le cadre de programmes nationaux et internationaux (5ème et 6ème programmes cadre de la commission européenne, Programme Tempus IV, Programme ARTGOLD du PNUD, UNESCO, projets financés par le CNRST-Maroc, etc.). Les activités développées ont fait l’objet de soutenance d’une vingtaine de thèses de doctorat et de plus de 60 publications internationales.